One very popular way of purchasing online is through Paypal. If you are a type of people who can't avail credit cards, or a type of guy who doesn't trust and afraid of credit card hacking, or someone who hates typing your personal information again and again on each and every purchase, you may want to use your debit card.
Go to Paypal, and create for new account. You choose which account type you prefer: Personal, Premiere or Business. After creating your paypal account, you have to verify it with a credit card or debit card. Since you do not want to use a credit card, you have to use debit card. I would recommend the BDO debit card/atm card. For new accounts with BDO, you will need at least 2000 pesos and two valid IDs - 2000 pesos is not a big amount of money compared to a credit card that you need supporting papers and documents. When you have your card, you have to use it to verify your Paypal account. An amount of about 90 pesos will be trnsfered from your debit card to you Paypal account. That money is still yours.
Now that you have your Paypal account, you can now make purchases online with security and avoid typing your personal information again and again in each and every purchased.
FYI. To link your Debit Card, You mus use your BDO account number not the Debit Card Number.
ReplyDeleteWhat bank code I'll write? I'm using debit card and it's asking BANK CODE (9 DIGITS)
ReplyDeleteIf I am not mistaken, that bank code is your bank account number. Please see if is 9 digit code.
ReplyDeleteHi, BDO bank code is 010530667 :)