Paypal Account Encounters Problem

I created a Paypal account for my client. But when I tried to log-in, I can't access it. I am now in trouble. Luckily, those Paypal guys helped me out. Here is the scenario. I posted this thinking that others might had same problem with mine. I edited some information to protect the rights of the company involved. These inquiry is through email.

Arteo Pilar: I need some details regarding these. "That bank account is already assigned to another PayPal account. For security purposes, each bank account may only be  assigned to one PayPal account. Please use a different bank account." 
    I  don't remeber registering before.  I can't link the account. How do I confirm it, please?'

Paypal: Thank you for contacting PayPal. Your security is our priority, so we don’t allow bank accounts to be registered to more than one PayPal account. If you received a message saying that your bank account is already linked to a PayPal account, it’s likely that this is a PayPal account you no longer use, or perhaps another authorized user (spouse,family member) has your bank account linked to their PayPal account.

    If you think you may have an older PayPal account, we encourage you to  try to regain access to it. Need assistance remembering your log-in? Just click the "Forgot your email address or password?" link. Once  you’ve gained access to your original account, you may consider closing  your newer PayPal account, and using that original account. Just be sure to update your personal information in your “original” PayPal account such as email address, phone numbers, street address and financial details. Just click the “Profile” link under the My Account tab.

Arteo Pilar: Hi, I really can't remember having an old Paypal account. How did it happen? Can you call the contact person on the  old account and confirm them their Paypal account? Can you send me instruction how to track it down.

Paypal:  Thank  you  for  contacting  PayPal. I  sincerely  apologize  for  the  inconvenience  this  has  caused you.

    Security  is  our  top  priority  that  is  why  we  do  not  have a  way  to reveal specific  information  of  the  account  of  another  PayPal user.  I  regret telling  you  that  I  will  not  be  able  to  respond  in  your request  to check someone  else  who  is  using  your  bank.

    As  what  our  system  confirmed,  the  bank  account  you  are trying  to  use might  be  registered  to  another  or  inactive  account.  You will  be  able to confirm  the  person  who  might  be  using  the  account  by going  to  the “Forget  our  Password"  page.

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    I'll  be  glad  to  hear  from  you  if  you  need  clarification. Just  give  us a call  and  we  will  try  our  best  to  give  you  immediate answers.  Thank  you for  choosing  PayPal  for  your  online  payment  needs.  We appreciate  your business.

Arteo Pilar: Look:  Here  is  what happened.
    I  made  a  registration  in  Paypal  using

    But  i  guess  I  had  skipped  the  confirmation  page.  I  did not  enter  the confirmation  code.  Then  I  logged  out.  But  when  I  tried sign-in  again, I  also  skipped  the  add  bank  option.  I  cant  sign  in.  It says  that  my email  is  not  registered  bla  bla  bla.

    So  i  tried  to  register  again  using  the  same  email then I made  the  confirmation.  Now  I  was  trying  to  add  bank  but I  can't. Look,  I  need  this  Paypal  and  bank  account  for  business purposes  for our  Online  reservation  system  for  our  hotel.  If  I  can't  have  it,  I  won't  be  able  to  use  your  service.  I  know,  that's  a  loss for  you  too.  If  you  believe  that  the  "old  account"  you  are  saying  is inactive, maybe  it  was  registered  by  mistake  or  unintentional.

    I  hope  this  problem  be  fixed  today  so  that  we  can  avail your  service.

Paypal: Thank  you  for  contacting  PayPal. I  made  a  careful  review  and  it  appears  that  there  is  an  account  under a domain  name  which  maybe  related  to  your account.

Arteo Pilar: Whoa!Thank  you  so  much.  Really  a  great  help.  Lucky,  I  kept  the  password. Keep  it  up  guys....

Paypal: You are welcome. We are always happy to hear from our PayPal members. We at PayPal take pride in our service, and it's a pleasure for us to know that you're a satisfied PayPal customer. We hope you'll tell your friends about our service. Don't forget, we're always around if you need us. Just click "Help" in the top right corner of any PayPal page to visit our improved Help Center.

Same day, I resolved the issue. That was the first time I registered a Paypal account under the of a huge company. I thought I will be in trouble.

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