Selling items and products online is a great way to increase your monthly sales. Either you are an individual/sales agent or you work as a marketing officer of a company. Internet is a huge market place where people looks for information. You ca send email proposals to prospects. This strategy is almost the same as knocking on people's door introducing your product. With this method, you must be good in your market research and must spend more time on searching clients. Another very effective way of selling your product online is by posting advertisements in web directories. With this method, you don't search for your customers but customers search for you.
How did I do it?
As I searched for online classified ads, the first page I landed was On browsing the entire site, I found out that sulit is not only popular here in the philippines but also to Pilipinos all over the world. It is free and easy to set-up sulit account. Upon navigation on pages, it directs me on posting free classified ads. Different categories are well organized and it is easy to point out which service I need. And at last, I am done editing my first free classified ad. Should I need to mention my product?
How did I verify customer's order?
With the proper title and keyword tags, my ad was included in the top ten list on product search. On the first month of published, I received text messages inquiring on my product. But still, I got no order yet. On the following month, I received a call requesting a quotation so they can process their order. I was excited but also confused because the call came from a mobile phone. What I did was asked their company name and address, and their orders. Then, I made a research on them on a telephone directory about their contact information. I even called a telephone operator to verify their phone number. After I got their landline (phone number), I called their office and politely asked for the person in-charge with that order. And that is a sale increase for me.
Excellent Service
Posting a free classified ads at sulit is indeed a great help to me. Soon, I will be introducing my professional service and start my own business. Definitely, I will upgrade my membership to premium. I will continue using sulit and sulit will always be a part of my business.
-Arteo Pilar-
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